Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fading into the complexity of life.. Aper-dah-jadi?

When a person says ‘Things happen for reason’, would you never want to believe it?

When there in times, you feel the most crucial part is to let go, and run far away, way far from this life.

When you know family and friends are not sticking with you.

When the reality of life is excruciate and making you wonder does all this worth what you want?

When considering the person or friends that you hang on doesn’t really counts on you.

How many of them really understand your perspective?

And thinking “They are all dumb ass and stupid bitch”

It gets on my nerve nowadays when people I consider as friends never get into the fact that despite age is catching up, we have now become adults. Why do we have to react immature? Fine to me, where sometimes we have to play and joke but periodically life needs to be serious.

And no, I am not jealous or hypocrite.

If you think that it is hard to find the person to be same wavelengths as yours, I truly agree. And yes, we do have to squeeze into the society where no one is perfecto and not in the same kind of thinking as we are.

But, why when you can accept the fact that they are a-different-kind of person yet they aren’t able to do so to you?

Regardless of how old a person is, the sentiments of being selfish and ego still exist. The urge to morose and rage in everything... Oh! Its sucks!

By the way,
I believe, if you are trying to be famous, at least make your brain works.

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